Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I want to write on skepticism. Skepticism is a state of mind. It is a kind of spectacles which moulds the shape of experience and the world in a specific way. The skeptical-spectacle way. It allows you a distance which helps you raise an eyebrow and say 'oh really? is that so.' with a touch of doubt and a tinge of irony. A skeptic needs to be convinced because she will not readily accept. statements like god exists or coke is better than pepsi will have to be substantiated. meaning is never the the encompassing unquestioned cloak the world is dressed in but is a flimsy, translucent skin which routinely changes colour, size and shape. When doubt becomes a way of life it can however turn in to a problem. It becomes crippling and convenient and lazy. Yet another guise or yet another shielding mechanism is invented. the world assumes a form so fragile that it threatens to dissolve by your breath. The ground beneath your feet shifts and slides and tosses you about like a scrambled egg. it a tricky balance, skepticism and belief. doubt and certainty.

1 comment:

  1. interesting. yes, i agree it is a very tricky balance. I used to assume that people who are skeptical automatically will look for better answers but i find increasingly that their understanding of the world is at times as limited as those who have the Faith. and a whole lot more pessimistic.
